How To Get Ready for Ramadan

How To Get Ready For Ramadan

Image via Unsplash

Are you ready for the month of Ramadan?

As we know, the holy month is about much more than just refraining from food and drink. It is about being more mindful in our character and actions on a daily basis for example, desisting from using coarse language and involving ourselves in worldly desires. During the period of Ramadan, our sole focus should be on God, to please him and to worship him. Take advantage of the immense blessings this month holds and multiply your good deeds for the hereafter with our tips below.

Obtain knowledge during Ramadan

- Learn about the purpose of Ramadan, the value it holds and how to truly make it the best Ramadan yet. Listen to podcasts and read Islamic books to improve your relationship with God.

Recite and reflect on the Quran- Did you know the holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan? Prior to the month starting, read every day, even if it’s a page. Then take time to understand what you are praying, by listening to the translation or buying a Quran that has English translation inside it.

Become regular with prayer

As we know, it is compulsory for Muslims to pray five times a day all year round, not just in Ramadan. Become well acquainted with the prayer timetable from your local mosque and ensure your daily schedule fits around it.

Make Dua

-Engage in dua and speak to Allah about anything on your mind and in your heart. Release all your emotions and absorb your focus in Zhikr.

Increase Charity

One of the five pillars of Islam is charity, hence emphasising its importance for muslims to give charity in the name of God. The Prophet ﷺ also said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)


Have a fantastic Ramadan from all at Nuhr Home!


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