Step By Step Guide To Getting Candle Wax Out Of A Carpet - NUHR Home

Step By Step Guide To Getting Candle Wax Out Of A Carpet

How to get candle wax out of carpet

Looking to get rid of that unsightly candle wax on your carpet? Check out our step by step guide on how to get candle wax out of your carpet quickly and easily! 

If you've ever had a candle melt down and drip all over your beautiful carpet, you know how difficult it can be to get the wax out. If you act quickly, however, you can remove the wax without any permanent damage to your carpet. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting candle wax out of your carpet:

1. First, use a dull knife or spatula to scrape away as much of the excess wax as possible.

2. Next, place a brown paper bag or piece of cardboard over the remaining wax and then run a warm iron over it. The heat from the iron will help to lift the wax off of the carpet fibers.

3. Finally, use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment to suck up any remaining wax particles.

See our Oud candles here

How to get candle wax out of carpet without an iron

First, try using a hairdryer. Set it to the hottest setting and hold it about six inches away from the wax. The heat will cause the wax to melt and you should be able to blot it up with a paper towel.

If that doesn't work, try using a can of compressed air. Hold the can upside down and spray the wax for a few seconds. The cold air will harden the wax and make it easier to scrape off with a credit card or a butter knife.

How to get dry candle wax out of carpet

First, try using an ice cube to harden the wax. Once it's hardened, you should be able to break off large chunks with your hands. Then, use a vacuum cleaner with the hose attachment to suck up any small pieces of wax that are left.

If there is still a stubborn stain remaining, you can make a DIY carpet cleaner by mixing 1/4 cup of white vinegar with 1/4 cup of water.

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